
Showing posts from June, 2014

gonna diminish all these craps

ASSALAMUALAIKUM craps above means this blog. so if you ever wasted your time blogwalkig here meaning you ever had an assumption that i may have split personalities.  cuz? alaa nampak kan, ada entry tu tulisan jenis trebuncet, ada entry lagi satu tu trebuncet tapi lagi besar, entry yg ni, ye ye hok mu reading nih, tulisan verdana. pelik bukan? tapi benar. tbh, i just realized, the entries are filled with different types of font and also the sizes. before this, sumpah aku tak cara. now, aku sendiri belek, aku sendiri serabut. apetah lagi korang yang baik hati ni baca. kalau ada la. so, dengan ini, i've made up my mind to start renovating my blog.. not now of course, later.

selex 2

It's been a long time since I feel totally introvert and socially awkward. When I totally need someone to do a favour, when I am extremely curious about a thing, but there's no one by my side. Only surrounded by strangers, accompanied by their buddies. And I just do it all alone.  I noticed there was a friend of mine, and deep in my heart I know the person did too. Yet, I was just an unknown to that person. And I felt like crying. Such a pathetic bij

nervous to the max

ASSALAMULAIKUM long time no see you bloggi (blogku) dia macam arabic cemtula bait kan rumah, if baiti? rumahku. emm, tetiba terrindu kat kelas arab.. punya ustaz. hawhawhaw ustaz wang rahimang, you're always in my mind. heheh. birahhhhh k, sumpah menyimpang.  ni nak citer pasal nervous ni. sebab result final exam for sem 3 haku. i just checked it this evening. i supposedly check it yesterday's evening cuz it's already came out since then. but since i was in my another house where there's no fuckin internet connection so i couldn't. when i was about to log into the portal, sumpah trembled do. lagi-lagi lepas dapat tau one of my friends is dismissed from the university and i was taken aback. i didn't expect them to dismiss a student just like that, so my heart beats faster at that time, hoping that my name is still in the system, am not dismissed.  also, to accept the fact that my closest friend could not further her studies on the following sem ...

aqtarabatis saa'ah

so, apa tu? aqtarabatis means kian hampir, makin dekat, sa'ah means yeah, saat. waktu, second. yet in this context, kiamat. kiamat makin dekat dunia akhir zaman, where, defames are well spread, and the majority are assuredly siding the slanderers, they were well-fed with rumours, alas, they have faith in it. but where's the faith of "He is the All-Seeing and the All-Knowing"? *cynical smile* zero fucks given