nervous to the max


long time no see you bloggi (blogku) dia macam arabic cemtula bait kan rumah, if baiti? rumahku. emm, tetiba terrindu kat kelas arab.. punya ustaz. hawhawhaw ustaz wang rahimang, you're always in my mind. heheh. birahhhhh

k, sumpah menyimpang. 

ni nak citer pasal nervous ni. sebab result final exam for sem 3 haku. i just checked it this evening. i supposedly check it yesterday's evening cuz it's already came out since then. but since i was in my another house where there's no fuckin internet connection so i couldn't. when i was about to log into the portal, sumpah trembled do. lagi-lagi lepas dapat tau one of my friends is dismissed from the university and i was taken aback. i didn't expect them to dismiss a student just like that, so my heart beats faster at that time, hoping that my name is still in the system, am not dismissed. 

also, to accept the fact that my closest friend could not further her studies on the following sem is hard to bear. i really hope that they will reconsider her appeal. my friend will be going to the cfs in order to meet the dean tomorrow, pray that they will aprrove the appeal and give my friend a chance to stay there. they MUST. he flunked the exam not because of nothing. there were reasons. i saw how he struggled preparing himself for the final eventhough he had to endure the pain, even until now. may Allah grants him with strength and sustenance. Alhamdulillah, tonight is nisfu syaaban. malam di mana, doa-doa tidak akan ditolak oleh Allah swt. apetah lagi, doa-doa orang teraniaya. in shaa Allah, he will get his name on the system back. aameen.

regarding my result, theres nothing to brag. ewah kalau gempak nak brag la camtu huuu terokk. sememangnya tak gempak but Alhamdulillah, as usual Allah always gives more than i could ever thought. at least la, my classes for this upcoming sem are not so compact compared to previous sem. aha, this is what i actually wished for. to get not so compact crs (oourse registration slip/timetable). sedangkan, aku kena aim untuk dean. mwahahaha pointer untuk dean pun baru tadi aku refresh. compare dgn cgpa aku boleh tahan jauh jaraknya ya. dan aku terpaksa jugak la bgtau mak ayah aku asap before going back to cfs sobs walaupun ia akan menyiksakan cuz for me, my result is kinda average but may be not for them who demand their daughter to get the dean's list eventhough i never heard them say so, but mak ayah mana yg tak hepigolaki anak dia dapat dekan an? 

overall, Alhamdulillah. all praises to Allah, it is not as bad as i thought, cuz i totally screwed up two papers, wrting skills and ict, eventually the grade for each is just okay woohoo. clap clap. and i also will gonna have arabic class no more. hence, there's no class on friday, yahooooooo gugellll binggg. but, deep inside me i still have the desire to continue studying arabic. heaven's language kot beb. aku rasa better jangan tinggal. we'll see. maybe i will barge in to any arabic class and learn sth new, if rajin la. 

alright, so dah habis ranting on my result. it somewhow motivated me to not being a lazy ass anymore and wake my mind up. gonna struggle harder study smarter and harder and be more chin up in order to be in dean's list, to attain more pleasurable result on next sem. whoa what a so-called determination.



  1. Alhamdulillah.. result pun dapat ok malah lebih dari apa yg disangkakan.. next sem tak busy boleh la nak update blog seminggu sekali hehehe :D
    Apa pun moga terus berjaya dan succes dalam pelajaran dan hidup :D

    1. Alhamdulillah. thanks for the motivation! i wonder how you find this stranded blog before you following it. you too, congrats for your achievements! semoga semakin banyak country yg dijelajah~ wuu gempak. travel the world is truly in my wishlist.


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