school leavers.

i am the one of them. sukanya. heheheheheh suka your head.
hati gila gabra, whenever perkataan 'result' pop out in my mind in anywhere.
k lantak pi dulu.

so now.. just wanna share what beneficial things (for me) I do during this longggggg break.

  • helping my mother with her biz
yeah, she's saleswoman, so it's an advantage for me to extricate myself from the lifelessness by just staying in this house makan tido makan tido katanya. not much but a bit lah. 

  • watch Running Man
this, functioning as anti-aging bcs it usually makes me LOL and grinning like rotten shellfish. beneficial beneficial.

  • lessen ketongkangpecahan of my room
yeah.. the bookshelf especially. bcs, i just done one of the biggest exams of my life. have to kumpul la the books which can be used, to be tossed, and to be donated to those who deem necessary. then, tidy up the full-of-scattered-garments-also-plastic-bags-gift-wrappers wardrobe. not only able to improve my fitness but also helps me to go through my days peacefully bcs there's ketongkangpecahan, no more. ayat aku.....

  •  license
for those spm leavers who are in the same shoes as mine not working i prefer you to take license.. if you can afford it. bcs once you furthered studies soon, it's difficult to grab some time for this. so take this precious chance. acah serious beb.

  • boost the piety
emm ya. this long break sangat sesuai lah untuk meningkatkan amal ibadah. fasting, recite and memorize the holy book Al-Quran Al-Karim, sunat prayers, are several of the deeds. may ALLAH granted us protection and blessings and strengthen our hearts in fixing or improving our faith. amin =)

  • blogging
self-expressions is quite good.

  • etc  

k malas nak menaip dah. assalamualaikum! =)


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