
I just.. dk.
Ive prepared lots, but i presented little.
I jot down notes n si.. but yknow.
I spoke little. Compared to my mate. She answered most of the qstions n i was krik krik n i noticed bizzare expression of the spectators. N the saddest thing is when your closest frenz gave you the lowest points, compared to others.
Outta sudden i reminisced a part of three idiots when Farhan said, "it is sad when your friend failed more than u, but it is more sad when your friend excelled but you failed."
Tmrw we'll be presenting on pragmatics, thus, i want to give my best n be much more explicit. On mon, ill present bout dickens. I felt quite inferior as the prev presenters had done with great effort. They were attractive. Their slides are attractive. Within 5 mins. Im afraid i couldnt.
It becomes more n more sad when you alrdy have scrpt wrtg, few research pprs, presentations to be done n u gotta write a short story asap too. Im not gonna go anywhr i thnk. I thnk im the worst out of all. I didnt attract, i simply read from book without clear explanation i wasnt attractive. My closest frens also seem to  acknowledge that... based on how they treat me.
All in all.. Alhamdulillah for evrythg


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