I dont expect too much to get straight A's for my SPM result that might be announces on this March.

Aku bukan cakap SPM tak penting.
Jangan belajar teruk sangat.
Belajar sikit - sikit je.
Aku tak cakap macam tu.
Kerja keras tetap ada.

Aku cuma..
Aku sedang belajar menghadapi sebarang kemungkinan.
Aku rasa Add Maths dan Chemistry aku bakal teruk.
Itu apa yang aku rasa.

Mula - mula tu memang rasa down.
Takkan lah sebab SPM aku nak bunuh diri ?
Tamatkan hidup ni semata - mata sebab SPM ?
Takkan berlaku, aku janji.

Semua kawan - kawan result fuyohh memang gempak.
Percubaan cantik, sebenar pun bertambah cantik.
Aku gembira untuk kawan - kawan aku yang bakal dapat semua tu.

Tapi aku takut nak hadapi hari keputusan dikeluarkan.
Macam mana kalau result aku tak bagus ?
Macam mana kalau mak bapak aku sedih ?
Macam mana kalau cikgu - cikgu kecewa ?
Lepas tu aku pandang sekeliling.
Semuanya dalam tangisan kegembiraan.
Aku ?
Tangisan kesedihan.
Aku takut nak hadapi tu.
Takut sangat.
Sebab aku dapat rasakan result aku tak sebagus mana pun nanti.
Tak ada apa pun yang dapat dibanggakan.

Aku pun tak tau nak buat apa that time.
Duduk dan nangis je kot.
Lepas tu menyesal ?

                                     *quite srs mode* 

uhmm and postscript the entry above is 100% written by fatin latiff
i just cant help kopipes it bcs Im having exactly the same feeling as she 
had, now. indeed, i never convinced on myself to get straight A's... 
moreover A+'s. esp for science subjects. not praying for not-so-good result, 
but i just can feel it. based on how i performed in the exam. based on how 
much effort Ive put for it.

i dont even sure what kind of feeling i have now. 
maybe insecure? 

insecure that Im gonna dissapoint everyone who hoped so much from me, 
who sacrificed a lot for me, in order to get me to succeed. but then, I flunked?
oh.. this feeling.. praying that Allah can turn back the time.. but I know it wont 
happen, for sure. 

hmm. i heard that SPM result will be coming out on this 21st, next thursday! bcs of 
the elections? like srsly la wei. i hope it's just a rumour. why don't just gov 
give off in the end of March, as usual, like previous batches.. 

       why batch95's always being treated like thizz?! emolakonon

but if it's real, theres nothing much i can do. except for praying that I'll get 
result which is equitable with my venture, tawakkal tu'alallah and redha. 
just accept apa yang telah aku usahakan. in shaa Allah. it's all my fault, if my result's 
not excellent anyways... 

uhm to anyone who reads this (if theres any), pray for us, SPM candidates 2012 
to get at least what we've targetted, and maybe........ 

a result which able to make our parents some kind of relief and delighted. 
makes them feel that their sacrifices are worth it. 

oso, pray that theres no any problem with our slips, who knows.. 
the gov can make mistake in the grading, names and watsoever. mintak jauh from 
such things. and of course, result yang setimpal dengan usaha kami semua.

amin ya rabbalalamin..

batch 95's, all the best, weolls!

oh.  you may check your spm result by sms. k daa.


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