kerani part-time

for these kinda long break before result spm come out i'm being part-time clerk.
this is seriously my dream-job since forever, yeah.

takde.. aku just labelling myself as my father's clerk whenever he asked me to write his customers' forms for booking (car salesman fyi), formal letters to pakcik adnan yaakob la, mende laa..

his excuse, "tulisan ayah tak lawaaa..." so aku dengan heavy heartnya, buat je laa. even tengah tension dengan berlambaknya homeworks nak study lagi.. ececeh. yelah memang it's the fact. when i was schooling la.

now, i have to write his phone numbers on each of these

flyers -.-

thats only one pack, theres the other one pack.
mampu ekao jah?

till then. assalamualaikum


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