lets have some s'mores!


more chips, more fun!!! 

theres lots of marshmallow in my bookshelf (cuz no other place to hide it) so i decide to make s'mores! i got the idea of making it from citer minho shinee berlakon, to the beautiful you! uhuhuhu.

i watched sulli (makwe minho) toast some marshmallows, then letak them onto choc bar which is put on a biscuit. it looks interesting, mouth-watering and simple, though. act, s'more comes from the words, some mores. so my title's extension is totally exquisite, "lets have some some mores!" uhukz. this recipe is quite classic. appeared in 1923 in US. and it's actually a camping recipe. aku bukan tengah camping pun, guna dapo gas tu je, peduli apew..

ive tried it, many times kot. bole tahan laa, yummy~
aku bukan guna bahan yg disarankan pun. to make s'mores, it is better to use graham cracker.
kat sini, celah mana nak dapat mendalah tu kan.

cuba lah~ ululu..
till then. boboihhhhhboi.


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