so, kelmarin (isnin), my classmates and I were being told that our BTQ's lecturer will not be here on this Wednesday and Thursday (hari-hari yang ada BTQ) and he, the lecturer, asked us to do our presentation, tonight and it somehow gave my goosebumps as the lecturer seems so demand on professional-like presentation. goosebump2 pun prepare at eleventh hour gak. aku prepared right few hours before the presentation. supoh setereh mak noks. dalam pukul 5 lebih (ptg la) macam tu. malam tu, dah sampai kelas, waktu tu tak ramai org lagi. sir tanya "can we start now?" "yes yes" my grpmate jawab. aku dengan spoiler agak menggelupur jugak lah. I told her I havent prepared well yet, but I didnt really care about being the first group sbb lagi awal, lagi lega. but the problem was, i didn't memorize any of what Ive written on my notes and all the contents were scattered around like I'm such an unorganized person, because I didn't know what is the to...
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