where are you nuffnang ads!

i'm kinda newbie so i dont really understand bout this advertising things and so on. but bcs i wanna get some pocket money by my really own i merajinkan myself for this nuffnang thing. 

choose the ad type i prefer. done.
placing the ad's code. 
done. done. 

but the, ad, is just static. bengang betei. so i put all the types ; skyscrapper, rectangle and leaderboard. when i view blog with hope, the ads are twitching, but they're all static. bertambah bengang. why? why? this happened to me. cedih :'(

so what more, i google la, 

Alhamdulillah.. ghupanya, ia serupa biskot.
sometimes there, sometimes not. bcs someone in this blogosphere said, the ad only comes out when the advertiser wants to. bertindak mengikut arahan, katanya.
just have to be patient laa. whihihi.

ok nak mandi. 
till then! salam~


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