test jpj yang 'awesomeful'


blogging is a bit like schooling/attending tuition classes/perfoming solat.
waeyo? it's just like when you're intentionally leaving those things (the ones above) once or twice you might want to not do it anymore or malazzz nak buat dah.

for instance, me laa.
gratefully, i able to encouraged myself to keep blogging back. herrr..

without wasting any more time, the title above referred.
yaa Im gonna share my experiences on JPJ test. it was fascinating... 
like duuhhh~

it happened last week. my JPJ test was on 25th. as i mentioned on my previous entry.
yaa minggu lepas punya citaa baru nak cerr, tu laa wa malas wacakalu.
here, i would like to story mory about my experience which is sometime including several useful tips to face the test *for me*. so listen to me!! *even you just can reading out my thoughts there* hehee.

so the night before the day of the spectacular test, as a Muslim, i was performing solat sunat hajat. no seriously not trying to be riak or watsoever you thought, just consider this as a method, an effective one. praying hard and harder that I would pass it once. bcs it would be terrified if i flunked and have to waste RM100 of my parents for the repetition. no way. i've wasted lots of theirs all this time. plus, my other siblings, each of them passed it once. so if they can, why can't i?

at that night i was not feel.. i donno. i wasn't really nervous i thought. half worried and half excited. lulz excited? yaa a bit. bcs i found myself was still tweeting like a lady boss and acting theres nothing gonna happen. tell yah, Im a laid-back type, sama macam waktu nak dapat result upsr and pmr dulu. aku tak rasa pape. aku boleh rasa pelik kenapa org lain menggelupur neves sebabnya aku rasa exam2 tu dah lepas, ko menggelepar cane sekalipun, takleh nak ubah result ko, so tawakkal and redha je la nak. so aku pun paksa lab diri utk rasa neves supaya tidak berasa ganjil. herher. waktu spm baru hati aku dah pandai nak neves2. huhu.

pardon, for exaggerating. chill. yeah, that's what i did. and what you, too, have to do. i was just reminiscing the steps on how to do the hill part, parking and 3 point-turn. keep it in mind and googling for "TEST JPJ" and i can see lots of blogger write out their experiences on it. and tell yah, again, i read almost all of them *which i saw lah*
yaa this kinda useful too, you can grab some ideas and and spirits from the bloggers' experiences. and help you to understand better about the procedure of the test and can get the techniques on how to face JPJ officers' faces.
no need to think deeply about it, srsly. or it will just makes you even more nervous.

 alright that's it for now, my fingers need to take a break plus i heard weird sounds out of my room. k.. mornight.

postscript: fasting without suhoor is kinda exhausting, so makesure you suhoor ya.


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