Allah knows us best.

Pernah tak ko rasa awkward nak mam to the extent that your mood of madness is all gone. Aku selalu. Dan semalam baru rasa.

When I had to sleepover in the room of a friend of my friend. Before that, my clique and i were hanging out together at alamanda. And i swear it was full of joy, that I felt so accepted and i was quite being myself (crazy to the max that I played with the automatic doors of alam and there were several guys were staring at me like "whats wrong with this girl tak pernah jumpa pintu mcm ni ke")

I was reluctant to sleepover at my friend's friend at first, but we didnt make it of going back to the gateway of garden of knowledge and virtue before 10.

And aku just.. I dont even know why. I just felt a heck of awkwardness that led me be so introvert. Uwarghhh.
I noticed that friend of my friend glanced at me couple of times, and her expressions were like "you are so serious mayn"

if only you know how I truly am.... T^T


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