rant on sharing islamic or beneficial posts on whatsapp

Aku ni jenis yg rajin gak la. Tak eh, tak masuk bakul angkat sendiri pun k. Tak habis cakap lagi tadi T_T hmm japgi kita habiskan ayat kita tu.

Ok uollz mesti ada whatsapp group an. Macam iollz yg tak berapa banyak connection ni ada lah beberapa ketul group yg sudi mengadd iollz utk menjadi member mereka iaitu seperti group kelas sekolah, group kelas IIUM, group usrah (yg sudah lama tak aktif), serta group BFFFFFFFFFF (gaya infiniti je F tu tak forever tak tau la an). So, apa yg aku cuba nak sampaikan sebenarnya? Teruskan membaca. Even membosankan.

Nama pun whatsapp group kan. Maka, lain org lain ragam. And pelbagai input jugak kita leh dapat. Zo aku ni bila org share post-post yg berbaur islamik dan yg aku rasa beneficial, aku tend to share dgn org lain gak. Tah la aku rajin utk share post-post tu, eventhough aku tau aku bukannya totally buat semua yg disarankan dalam those posts. Kalau terlebih rajin aku akan hantar kat semua group yg aku rasa aku patut hantar ha kau. I just feel responsible for doing so.

Alas, i think i should stop from doing that. I mean, i have to put some limit on that. Macam tak terlampau keterlaluan on sharing posts, and hanya kepada certain groups.. yg torelate dgn aku, yg terima aku. Yeah, penerimaan tu penting. Sebab aku rasa ada certain group yg mcm anti dgn aku. lol what did i do wrong exactly? Idek ;_; whereas i was just sharing 'em. Doesnt mean aku mmg dah pious giler an.

Aku rasa maybe diorang rasa, aku dah belajar kat islamik uni and only afterwards i kept posting Islamis posts.. so they thought ive totally changed, macam.. nak bergurau pun takleh dah.. macam dah kolot sangat r macam tu. But, my main purpose was to share what i felt responsible to share. While, i'm still the crazy me. I wont give a damn about a piece of shit. Im not serious about everything. Yet, they think i am.

To sum up (amboi buat essay ke), from now on.. ill try sharing posts by not exceeding the limit. And we people, eventhough org tu post or share macam2 especeli yg beneficial and Islamic, try not to judge or depict the recipients do things exactly like what they share. Probably, they are still working on that, who knows ek? Just.. be neutral.


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