Friendlessness Part 2

I won't take Part 1 down since that's how I felt. Whoever found this blog and get the wrong idea from the entry, trust me. Whatever I wrote about wasn't about you 😂 They don't know I have a blog and they don't even have my Twitter. Ala normal la terasa sikit dengan kawan. Tidak lah aku sampai leave group. Tidak lah sampai aku putus kawan. Aku masih rational dan matang at some point ye. I'm writing here since this is only way to express my feelings rather than writing in phone notes.

Dan biasalah dah jadi mak ni pastu housewife pulek, laki busy keje, takde sape tanya khabar kau, mana la tak lonely. After bersalin pun agak mood swing mujur tak meroyan je sbb I got too overwhelmed with the new world (Alhamdulillah. Still overwhelmed but loving this journey. Now I understand why mothers want their babies to grow but at the same time want them to stay babies).

That's why when it was my special day, I shamelessly got my hopes up, thinking that all my friends who I was once close with and barely close, to at least wish me good prayers. If you wished me on my birthday and even gave my gifts, thank goodness ❤️ That entry was just an immature thoughts of me. Loneliness did that to me. 

Of course, I can be positive all I want. But, this. This is real. It's the truth. Imagine having friends not informing you about their big events when you were kinda close. Doesn't even wish you when they have seen your updates. But strangers did. I'd do the same to you. I did inform them so that they won't miss out. Oh yeah, it's also not about wanting people to repay kindness. It's about keeping in touch. It's big events that worth knowing fgs 🙃

But, okay. Doesn't matter anymore. Let's just keep moving on. 


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